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Ditch the Server Headache: Secure & Scale Email Delivery with neuMails SMTP

Tired of managing your own SMTP server? neuMails offers a refreshing alternative with our innovative cloud-based SMTP service.

SMTP sending made painless

Struggling with managing your own SMTP server? You're not alone. Traditional server maintenance is time-consuming and costly. neuMails' innovative cloud-based SMTP service offers a future-proof solution, allowing you to focus on what matters most: your business.

neuMails handles the complexities of email delivery, freeing you from: Server Setup and Maintenance: Eliminate the time-consuming burden of installing, configuring, and maintaining your own SMTP server. Hardware Costs: Wave goodbye to expensive hardware purchases and ongoing maintenance fees. neuMails takes care of everything. Scalability Challenges: Our cloud-based infrastructure seamlessly scales to accommodate your growing email volume, ensuring smooth operations even as your business expands.

What is an SMTP server?

Ever wondered how emails travel between different inboxes? It all starts with a crucial technology called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). This acts like a behind-the-scenes mail carrier, ensuring your emails get delivered securely from your server to the recipient's.

Think of an SMTP server as a post office for your emails. It verifies who's sending the email (like checking IDs) and routes it to the right destination. To ensure safe delivery, SMTP uses special codes (like passwords) and security measures (like locked mailboxes) called authentication protocols.

But managing your own SMTP server can be a hassle. It requires technical knowledge and constant maintenance. That's where neuMails comes in!

Send emails to the inbox

Elevate the security of your SMTP email streams and safeguard your brand from spammers by implementing robust authentication protocols. Embrace the power of protocols like SPF, DMARC, and DKIM records, which not only enhance your brand's reputation among recipients but also build trust with inbox service providers. By leveraging these protocols in conjunction with our cutting-edge solutions like email address verifications, inbox placement tests, and send time optimization, you can significantly reduce your spam rate, minimize spam complaints, and boost overall email deliverability.

Looking for a proactive approach and expert guidance on your journey to email-sending success?

Our Deliverability Service offers you the invaluable support of a dedicated Technical Account Manager who will provide strategic advice and assistance every step of the way.

neuMails offers a cloud-based SMTP service

No Server Headaches: We take care of everything, so you don't have to worry about setup, configuration, or maintenance.

Simple Setup: Just add your domain name to your neuMails account, and we'll provide all the necessary details to connect your email platform.

Focus on Your Business : Free up your IT team's time and resources to concentrate on more strategic tasks.

Track every Step of Email

Unleash the power of neuMails log retention and email analytics to gain comprehensive visibility into the journey of your emails. From the moment you hit send, you can effortlessly track every step your email takes, right up to its destination in the recipient's inbox. With log retention, bid farewell to those late-night record-keeping sessions for message errors; now you can access and analyze them at your convenience.

But it doesn't stop there. Once your email lands in the inbox, delve into a treasure trove of engagement metrics. Track crucial indicators like opens and clicks to monitor and optimize your email performance. Leverage hourly data to uncover recipient habits and fine-tune your campaigns. Dive deep into metrics such as devices, location, and mailbox providers to gain valuable insights into your campaign's performance.

neuMails goes beyond just sending emails

Enhanced Security: Industry-leading security protocols protect your email transmissions and safeguard your brand reputation.

Improved Deliverability: Our robust infrastructure helps ensure your emails land in inboxes, not spam folders.

Streamlined Workflows: Automate email sending and integrate neuMails with your existing tools for a more efficient workflow.