011-45170050 [email protected]

Email API: Powerful Integration for Seamless Workflows

neuMails Email API empowers developers and businesses to easily integrate email marketing functionalities into their existing applications or websites. This robust API allows you to leverage neuMails' advanced features directly within your workflows, saving time and effort.

Email is our specialty – what’s yours?

neuMails Email API offers companies the ability to ensure their emails land directly in the recipients' inboxes by leveraging multiple email authentication protocols. Safeguard your sender reputation by implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols, which prevent malicious entities from impersonating your brand.

Seamless Integration, Unparalleled Flexibility

By adopting these authentication measures, you enhance your delivery rate and increase the likelihood of successful email delivery. For comprehensive assistance in optimizing your email program or accessing Enterprise-level services and support, our Deliverability Suite is readily available to meet your needs.

Email data with depth

Gain comprehensive insights into your email activities and ensure complete visibility with neuMails API's robust log retention and email analytics features. Our platform allows you to track every detail from the moment you hit send, including:

  • Email events such as message queue additions, mailbox provider (MBP) acceptance, and successful deliveries.
  • Detailed error codes accompanied by precise timestamps and clear explanations, help you diagnose and troubleshoot any issues effectively.
  • Measure engagement metrics, including email opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and more, enabling you to gauge the effectiveness of your email campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

97.4% Average Delivery

Rate from deliverability services customers, beating the industry average of 85%

24.6m Average Monthly

Volume from our deliverability services customers alone

0.42% Average Bounce

Rate for deliverability services customers, well under the industry average bounce rate of 2%

Send emails to the inbox

neuMails Email API offers companies the ability to ensure their emails land directly in the recipients' inboxes by leveraging multiple email authentication protocols. Safeguard your sender reputation by implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols, which prevent malicious entities from impersonating your brand.

By adopting these authentication measures, you enhance your delivery rate and increase the likelihood of successful email delivery. For comprehensive assistance in optimizing your email program or accessing Enterprise-level services and support, our Deliverability Suite is readily available to meet your needs.

Benefits of neuMails Email API

  • Enhanced Efficiency
  • Scalability and Flexibility
  • Customizable Integrations
  • Advanced Features
  • Detailed Analytics and Reporting
  • Cost-Effectiveness
Our services

Our Awesome Services

Overview dashboard

Easily view counters about the number of email lists, campaigns, subscribers, and email templates but also recent campaign details and a detailed recent activity report.

Email Lists Tools

Need to split a large list into multiple smaller ones? Or sync existing email lists? For these kinds of operations, use this section.

Email lists Management

Unlimited email lists, subscribers, segments, custom fields, list forms, and list pages can be created and managed.

Data Security

Enjoying the peace of mind that all servers are hosted in India, guaranteeing local control and compliance. Safeguard your sensitive information with our secure infrastructure, backed by stringent data protection measures and reliable hosting within the country.

Suppression lists

You can choose which suppression lists to use for each campaign so that the campaign won't send emails to subscribers who are on those lists. This is complementary to the email blacklist.

Campaign Management

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API Keys

Create API keys to enable third-party programs to connect to your account and carry out operations like adding new subscribers and campaigns, among other things.

Email Deliverability

We Enhance your Email deliverability by deploying SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Unleash your creativity, captivate your audience

With our Email API, you're no longer limited to static, plain text messages. Let your creativity run wild and captivate your audience with stunning, dynamic email templates. Engage your customers with personalized content, eye-catching images, and interactive elements that breathe life into your emails. Our API empowers you to create immersive email experiences that leave a lasting impression.